Strategy |
1 |
Mobilizing support for improving the personal health, fitness, safety and wellbeing of young Americans
Objective 1 |
Support initiatives designed to improve the health of young people detailed in current Government policy documents. |
Objective 2 |
Educate young people in the knowledge and practice of personal safety and well-being. |
Objective 3 |
Advance the development of young people by making quality resources and training available to them and their parents / caregivers. |
Objective 4 |
Support research and development to help obtain optimum outcomes in Youth Health. |
Strategy |
2 |
Equipping young people to avoid specific dangers and health risks
Objective 5 |
Support directly and indirectly initiatives which target the reduction of problems related to:
- alcohol and drugs
- mental illness
- injury
- tobacco
- sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies.
Objective 6 |
Empower young people with skills of resilience to deal with potential threats to their well-being, e.g.
- stress
- alienation
- loss, grief, change
- prejudice
Objective 7 |
Promote support services for young people, which help them with information and encouragement, e.g.
- telephone counseling
- telephone messages
- Internet web site information
Strategy |
3 |
Enabling young people and their families to move from crisis towards normal healthy relationships
Objective 8 |
Support research and development, which promote the wider availability of proven forms of the therapeutic pastoral care of young people. |
Objective 9 |
Support effective systems for the identification of young people with specific needs and provide assistance aimed at bringing them to a stage of optimum personal achievement. |
Objective 10 |
Help provide support for families and others who are significant to young people to obtain the maximum benefit from counseling and other services. |